

                                Xi Chen 陈熙


Hi! I am a PhD candidate in computer science at University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass), where I am luckily advised by Przemyslaw Grabowicz. I also work closely with Brendan O'Connor (UMass), David Jurgen (UMich), Scott Hale (Oxford), and Ethan Zuckerman (UMass). During interships, I led research at Amazon AGI foundation, UCLA, Tsinghua University and Zhipu AI (Chinese OpenAI) with advice from Jie Tang. I got a bachelor degree with nomination for Chinese Exceptional Student (1/6500) from Central South University.

My research is pioneering temporal event identification from media textual graph at global scale, with interdisciplinary study of large language models, machine learning, information retrieval, natural language processing, network science, and social science.

My curiosity links to philosophy, psychology, fine arts, economy, and politics. In leisure time, I enjoy playing tennis and strategy games. I ranked global top50 of Autochess (50/millions, a world-class strategy game for playing DOTA on chess table in a similar style of Mahjong).