
• Univeristy of Masssachusetts Amherst, Massachusetts, USA.      2019.9-present

    Modeling multilingual international news diversity and synchrony at global scope.  
    Generating Question-answers on large language model to identify Global Disasters.  
    Clustering temporal topic of social polls on Twitter.  
    Developing a large multilingual news frame dataset across media bias levels with a wide range of applications.  

• Univeristy of Californi Los Angeles, California, USA.      2018.7-2018.12

    Modeled personalized dynamics of social network and opinion, and predicted evolution.  

• Zhipu AI (Tsinghua University), Beijing, China.      2018.3-2018.9

    Adaptively collected heterogeneous funding and matched to scholars with decision tree (Aminer Online).  
    Predicted technology evolution with genetically clustering.   [Code]  

• Hunan University, Hunan, China.      2017.3-2017.5

    Investigated data visualization field in terms of typical techniques, libraries, softwares, research progress, and open problems.     [ Survey ]


• Central South University, Hunan, China.      2016.3-2017.7

    Devised epidemic routing for vehicular networks with taxi trajectory dataset from MSRA. [ Paper ]

    Devised robust and efficient communication for mobile body area network. [ Paper ]

    Devised adaptive energy equilibrium for e-health network. [ Paper ]